Certainty is needed for separating couples in terms of maintenance in the Irish legal system.

Interesting read for all those in dispute over maintenance. It would be great to see some certainty for separating couples in terms of maintenance in the Irish legal system. For all those getting a Divorce though the Irish courts, one of the biggest problems is there is very little guidance for the judges on what [...]

By | 2019-11-12T14:05:18+00:00 September 16th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Agricultural Mediation leaflet

This is a great leaflet provided by the Mediator's Institute of Ireland, with which Susan Appelbe is an accredited Member deals with Agricultural Mediation. Susan Appelbe is a lawyer who now works solely as a Mediator. Susan is from West Cork and is familiar with the agricultural industry in a legal and personal capacity. Susan [...]

By | 2019-06-05T12:03:27+00:00 June 5th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Legal voices in Cork support Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Mediation was a talking point at and event organised by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators this week in Cork. This article in the Cork Examiner has the details https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/business/legal-voices-in-cork-endorse-alternative-dispute-resolution-913373.html Susan Appelbe is an experienced Mediator. Susan works Nationwide however being a West Cork native and living in Douglas in Cork City much of her work [...]

By | 2019-03-29T10:08:00+00:00 March 29th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Empathy as a tool in Mediation

The difference between empathy and sympathy can be the difference between connection or not. This funny video is brilliant at pointing us in the right direction.   Susan Appelbe is a Mediator who works primarily in the Munster counties of  Cork, Kerry, Waterford, Tipperary, Clare and Limerick. Susan does a lot of mediation helping separating [...]

By | 2019-03-29T09:40:04+00:00 March 29th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

What is Mediation on youtube from the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland.

The Mediators' Institute of Ireland have produced some youtube videos giving excellent information on Mediation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DkjpRenOmY&t=6s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYrQ89JsSRE Susan Appelbe is a trained Mediator who is accredited to the MII or Mediators, Institute of Ireland. Susan Appelbe is bringing vast legal knowledge to the table having worked for many years as a Solicitor. Susan worked in [...]

By | 2018-11-22T10:48:12+00:00 November 22nd, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

“The Mediation Miracle” is the name of an article by retried US Judge Leonard Edwards examining the positive impacts of mandatory Mediation since the 80’s in family law cases in California.

The Meditation Act 2017 did not bring mandatory mediation into Ireland. It is my opinion that it should have in certain circumstances, and of course family law and separating couples would be on the top of my list for mandatory mediation. Family Law is an area where the preservation of relationships is so important and [...]

By | 2018-11-22T09:10:34+00:00 October 5th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Alternative ways to manage the aftermath of healthcare errors or Professional Negligence from Medical Staff.

Expert speakers are presenting a conference in Belfast in relation to alternative ways to manage the aftermath of healthcare errors or professional negligence from medical staff. One of the alternatives to be discussed is mediation. Mediation is being used more and more in relation to healthcare. It is a very welcome change for the patient [...]

By | 2018-09-25T11:15:04+00:00 September 25th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments